Sunday, 3 February 2013

Feria de la Candeleria and the Super Bowl

Hi. Would tell you who won the Super Bowl but they're still playing! At the risk of offending the entire citizenry of North America I'm afraid I have to say that I stopped watching after the third quarter. What with the 'power outage' and the ads and the interminable replays and prevarications I just sort of lost interest - and not knowing the rules didn't help either. Beyonce was great though. Did the half time show cause the 'outage' I wonder? Was Beyonce too much for the electrics - stunning as ever in black leather and lace? Alicia Keyes was pretty sensational too, but more demurely dressed.
It's been really busy here, such a difference in the volume of people because of the holiday weekend. The Plant Fair was packed yesterday morning with children and older men with wheelbarrows offering their services to transport purchases to cars. I passed a gentleman using another form of transport in one of the side streets beside Parque Benito Juarez. He was selling garden compost. I found the organic Farmers' Market and bought some proper honey for my bad throat. It's gorgeous, tastes of flowers and waxy honeycomb and is bound to be good for me. There was a amazing variety of vegetables, home baked breads and quiches, cheeses, soaps and of course jewellery. Walked up to the Plaza yesterday evening to see what was going on there: bands of Mariachis serenading lovers sitting on walls,food vendors selling corn on the cob, tacos, candy floss, ice cream. Music everywhere. Saturday night Mass in the pink Parroqueria with its hand rung bells. Made me feel quite alone for a little while until I wised up :)))

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